Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Perils of Bullying Essay -- social issues, bullying

â€Å"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.† These words have been repeated countless times, but they are not accurate. In truth, words can kill. Bullying has become a highlighted problem within our society, and bullying in the school systems is even more prominent. According to the news, there are countless cases of bullying, many of which do not have happy endings. The rates of suicide due to bullying are currently higher than they have ever been before. Suicide is the third top causes of death in young people within the United States, averaging at 4,400 deaths a year, with over 50% of these deaths as a result of some sort of bullying. Studies also show that there are 100 suicide attempts for every one successful suicide performed (â€Å"Bullying and Suicide†). These numbers are disturbingly high. Bullying is affecting more kids in ways that some adults may never understand. The fact that words and actions can lead to cutting and suicides is still a distant concept to some and needs to be brought to immediate attention. Laws are now being put into place to prevent these tragedies, but what is really being done to prevent them within the schools or even within the students’ homes? There is a lot of finger pointing when it comes to this topic. But we all want to know what the cause is behind this nationwide crisis and who is responsible for it. A bully can be defined in several ways and this term is sometimes exaggerated. However, according to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, a bully is defined as â€Å"one habitually cruel to others who are weaker† and bullying is defined as â€Å"to cause (someone) to do something by making threats or insults or by using force†. These are the formal definitions of the term, but the def... ... Retrieved from Johnston, J. (2011, April 19). Demi lovato interview: teen star opens up on bulimia, cutting issues. ABC news. Retrieved from Hamilton, J. (2008). Bullying and hazing. Farmington Hills: Gale and Greenhaven Press. DOI: Bullying and suicide. (n.d.). Retrieved from The roles kids play. (n.d.). Retrieved from Bullying definition. (n.d.). Retrieved from Risk factors. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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