Monday, September 30, 2019

Business-to-Business Messages Essay

Communication is the process; through which sender conveys their messages to receiver. The communication can be in form of words, gestures, voice intonations and other symbols or signs. The communication process cannot be possible without any medium. In the communication process senders and receivers both are the parties involved. Apart from this communication process also needs the technology, tools and Channels. All the element of the communication process should be in the proper sequence for effective and appropriate communication Process. If any part of communication process is distorted or broken, the sender and receiver will not have a common understanding of the message (Daft, 2004). The communication model includes some element in this sequence such as an environment of communication, a sender, message, technology (Channels), noises (the psychological, social and structural barriers), a receiver and the feedback of receiver. The communication model has the channel through which the message is transmitted. There are two types of the channels: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication refers to the oral or written means transmitting meaning through words. Non-verbal communication doesn’t use words and involves gestures. In current time, there are many technological channels for communication such as electronic mail, intranets, instant messaging, fax, telephone and other forms of computer mediated communication channels (Mcshane, VonGlinow & Sharma, 2006). Business to business communication process includes the communication between two business entities, in which the one business entity perform the role of a sender and other one perform the role of a receiver. In other words, Business to Business Communication describes the communication between businesses such as between a manufacturer and a whole seller or between a whole seller and a retailer. All other element of Business to Business communication process is dependent on the environment and the purpose of the communication. Business to Business communication process would effective. If the environment of Business to Business is appropriate and propose of communication is also strong and effective (Guffey & Almonte, 2009). Business to Business Messages Business to Business communication process is an internal process to develop relationship with the other business organizations, vendors, suppliers etc. In this competitive landscape, the Business to Business communication process is necessary for customer loyalty to protect against the competitor, employee motivation, brand protection or creation the awareness among the customer (Business-to-Business Communication, n. d. ). Business to Business Message of William Brother Corporation  The William Brother Corporation is an American company. The company is known for its quality metal doors. The company recently launched the new products lightweight gypsum ceiling access panel, portable fire extinguisher stands, roof hatches and floor hatches. The company communicates with their whole sellers and retailer to create the awareness about the product features, quality and the price. The company also informs about policies, terms and promotional strategizes of the new products. Subsequent to the discussion of the company’s message now, I will analyze the message as follows: Purpose: The purpose of this message of the company is to create the awareness about the new launched products of the company between the whole sellers and retailers. The company provides the all technical information about the new product. Sender: Here, the sender is the company management team. Receiver: Here, receivers are the whole sellers and retailer of the company. Environment: The environment of this communication process is the internal and external environment. Technology: In this messaging, the technology used is written communication, oral communication and internet technology. Noise: In this message, noise can be formed by the traffic of internet and other website, which can directly affect the delivery of message. In addition to this, as it is a written and oral message, the noise factors can be lack of apprehension of language and information by the whole sellers and retailers (Mcshane, VonGlinow & Sharma, 2006). Feedback: The Feedback of the whole sellers and retailers is that they understand about the new product features and they agree on the company policies and terms. They will help the company for promotion of the new launched product. The method of the technology used is the appropriate of the company. The oral and written communication would create the easy understanding about the product and the internet is best way to convey the message of the company. The message should the appropriate, because the message provides the all information about the product and the company goal. Business to Business Message of KFC Corporation KFC Corporation based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world’s most popular chicken restaurant chain. There are many stores of KFC that operate in the world. For managing the all stores of company, the company communicates with their different store’s management team through the messaging by the email and internet technology (KFC Corporation, 2010). In this message of the company, they had communicated, that company makes the some quality standards and policies for their food, which should maintain by the all stores of the company. These policies and the quality standards help to maintain the trust among the customers. Subsequent to the discussion of the company’s message now I will analyze the message as follows: Purpose: Here, the purpose of this message of the company is to create awareness about the policies and quality standards and should maintain these quality standard to the management of the stores which are situated in all over the world. Sender: The sender is the company management. Receiver: The receiver is the stores management of the company. Environment: Here, the environment of this employed communication process is external environment. Technology: In message, the technology used is written communication and the internet technology by the company. Noise: In the messaging, noise can be formed as the message failure through the internet. In the written message the noise can be formed as the lack of apprehension of language by the management of company stores (Mcshane, VonGlinow & Sharma, 2006). Feedback: The feedback of the receiver is that they will be maintain the quality standard of the food product and adopt the company policies. The company used technology, the written communication and the internet technology to create the awareness about their policies and the quality standards among their stores management. This would very effective for the company. Business to Business Message of Honda Motor Company Honda Motor Company is one of the largest automobile companies in the world. There has the big product line of the company in the world market. Honda Civic car is one of the popular products of the company. In the recently there has a technical problem generated in the Honda civic cars fuel pump. For the solution of this problem the company takes some actions. The company has sent the message to their authorized dealers to solve this problem by approaching the customers, who has the Honda civic (Honda Motor Corporation, 2010). Subsequent to the discussion of the company’s message now we will analyze the message as follows: Purpose: Here the purpose of the message of company is to create awareness among the dealers about the product problem and to solve that technical problem of the customer’s product. Sender: The Sender is the technical department of the company. Receiver: The authorized dealers of the company. Environment: Here the environment of the communication is the external environment. Technology: The Company communicates with the written messages and the internet technology. Noise: In the messaging, noise can be formed as the message failure through internet and noise can formed as written message delay. Feedback: The feedback from the dealer was that they will solve this problem of the product as soon as. The technology of the message is the good. Both the medium of the message is the efficient and reach at the right time. Message purpose is the appropriate and easily understandable by the dealers.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Outline some of the ways in which material deprivation may affect educational achievement Essay

Material deprivation is when people have insufficient physical resources to sustain life, and is common among lower-class households. It affects educational achievement in many ways, including a non-nutritious diet and inadequate housing. Howard (2001) claimed that poor nutrition leads to low achievement at school because poorer homes have a lower intake of vitamins, minerals and energy which reduces children’s health and lowers their energy levels, and will also weaken their immune system. Malnourished children will have more time off school due to illness, and their academic success will suffer as a result. Attendance is affected by playground bullying too, and this is sometimes caused by children not owning fashionable or popular items (for example, expensive trainers). If being stigmatised, children may fake illness in order to skip school, and again their grades will suffer. Some children may not have time to revise at home if they have to help their parents with chores and childcare while they’re at work- many parents can’t afford to give up work or cut down their hours if their income is low, so tasks often fall on the older children. Their revision and homework completion can also be affected by overcrowding in the household, as a study space is needed for each child in order to achieve academic success. Overcrowding can lead to illnesses spreading around the household easier as well, which again affects attendance. Many parents cannot afford to move location to be in a school’s catchment area, as a result a lot of children aren’t able to go to the better schools and have to make do with those in working-class areas. The chances of someone from a working-class family continuing education to degree level is made unlikely by the fear of debt installed in them from their poverty-stuck upbringings. University fees have become so high that many people can’t afford to go and, even with loans, commuting and accommodation can make university overly expensive. People are therefore put off the idea of continuing education and most lack ambition for their futures. An important consequence of material deprivation is that children leave school at 16 to begin working. This  allows them to become an economic asset through providing money to their family, instead of needing school resources for another two years. Hasley wanted to find out why so many children from working-class families leave school at 16, and looked at material and cultural deprivation. They found that the main cause was actually material deprivation, which says that it’s not a lack of culture and intelligence that prevents children’s academic achievement, but economic problems instead. These two forms of deprivation are linked, as both are at least partially caused by lack of income. Cultural deprivation includes a lack of educational activities within the family. For example trips to the theater may be common in middle-class families, whereas the working-class opt for cheaper option of entertainment- such as television. This inability to afford socially acceptable means of entertainment supposedly affects educational achievement as the children don’t learn complex language.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Unilever Business Project

Unilever is a company that operates all over the world. They produce a wide range of products, concerning all sorts of food, detergents and etc. For a large company like Unilever to be successful, they have to implement a certain strategy and to have vision and mission. For this assignment we are focusing on the UK market. The brand we chose is Carte D’or. To start with the overall vision of Unilever. They are looking at developing new ways of doing business for the future, to increase the benefits for the company, as well as to reduce their environmental impact on the nature by Unilever`s activities.Their mission, is to make their business more sustainable. For example, Unilever`s plan has over fifty targets to achieve. Most of them are focused on helping people to improve their well-being and health, reduce the pollution of their products and source the agricultural raw materials sustainably. Sustainability and fair trade are Unilever`s main goals, which are influencing the whole corporation. Regarding the changing weather conditions and scarcity of usable agricultural supply. Unilever introduced a Sustainable Living Plan, that will enable them to source only sustainable materials.According to Unilever, it is also of vital importance to have the suitable people with the right talent, skills, creativity and education to support the growth of the enterprise. As part of the `Sustainable Living Plan`, the company is looking at healthy and motivated workforces, which would provide them with the right employees. In order to make this plan become reality, they are arranging better work places, which means reducing work injuries, industrial accidents and provide variety of stimulus's. Nowadays, Unilever is struggling to create shared values with its customers to provide stability and growth.Companies can meet social needs while at the same time serving existing markets, accessing new markets and lowering costs through innovation. Unilever has chosen the path o f innovations, as well as improving quality, quantity, cost, and reliability of inputs and distribution. While at the same time the company is acting as a steward for essential natural resources and drive economic and social development. As stated above, their mission is: â€Å"We work to create a better future every day. We help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others.We will inspire people to take small, everyday actions that can add up to a big difference for the world. We will develop new ways of doing business with the aim of doubling the size of our company while reducing our environmental impact. † (source: http://www. sustainable-living. unilever. com/news-resources/news/inspiring-sustainable-living/) The above comes back again in Unilever’s report. For instance, their ambition is to double the size of the company while reducing the environmental footprint.Furthermore, they have a sustainable living plan; Unilever wants to grow without damaging the environment and increase the social benefits arising from Unilever’s activities. This plan has been set in 2010 and has 3 major outcomes, as can be read on page 20 of Unilever’s annual report of 2010: * Helping more than a billion people improve their health; * Halve the environmental impact of the production and use of Unilever’s products; * Enhance the livelihood of people in their supply chain. A good example is COMFORT ONE Rinse fabric conditioner. Many customers in developing countries do their laundry by hand.COMFORT ONE needs only one bucket of water for rinsing instead of three. In this way, consumers save time and money. The reason why Unilever is performing this plan, can be summed up in a few points: * More and more consumers want products that are sustainably sourced; * Retailers have their own goals for sustainability and Unilever can work with them; * New products and packaging ca n be developed as part of the sustainability plan; * Half of Unilever’s sales take place in developing countries, so these countries represent a huge future market for the company.These countries face the greatest sustainability challenges; * Managing sustainability saves money for Unilever and the consumer. Below we will show Unilever`s structure on both Multinational and Business level. Multinational Level: Source (http://www. theofficialboard. com/org-chart/unilever-1) Business Level: Source: http://www. theofficialboard. com/org-chart/unilever-ventures) In order to explain the process of creating values when making ice-cream, we are going to use Porter`s value adding chain to support the explanation. PRIMARY PROCESSES:SUPPORTING PROCESSES: ————————————————- Primary processes Inbound logistics: Carte D`Or buy ingredients for the ice-cream production from a variet y of suppliers. In order to improve its efficiency the exclusive brand can start performing business procurement. In this way Carte D`or can use purchasing function to reduce its costs and improve their long-term strategic planning techniques to deal with the outgoing costs. Using strategic purchasing would enable them to negotiate for the supply of milk, sugar, cream and ect.In this way the procurement approach would increase the CM (contribution margin). Processing: The processing stage would start with the fulfilment of the ordered ingredients in the procurement department. Later on all the ingredients are get together into the assembly process. The Carte D`Or`s recipe is prepared and the ice-cream is prepared. In this press, Carte D`Or can take an advantage by integrating the JIT method. This would help them always have fresh ingredients and not going to keep too ingredients inventory.This can be implemented by ordering smaller quantities of ingredients and increasing the supply frequency. Outbound logistics: In this process of Carte D`Or brand is concerned with the storage of the made ice-cream. The ice-cream package is quite important for keeping the product fresh, protect it during storing, warehousing, transporting as well as to protect the environment form the ice-cream package from the ice-cream package that would be used. So, sustainable packaging would be a major factor in the outbound logistics of the Carte D`Or brand.Packages, which are more eco-friendly and recyclable can take place as well as packs with improved durability. The durability factor can reduce waste, of cracked or broken packs. Marketing ;Sales: Creating a good image for the product might be of vital importance for brand. As, Carte D`Or are producing luxurious ice-cream with a premium quality they need to bind their brand and customers. Carte D`Or would add value to their products by detailed research and development, using Customer Relationship Management.Collaborating closely wit h the CRM department would give the information about customers’ needs, wishes, expectations and even tendencies. Due to the usage of this technique the Carte D`Or brand set their customers as a starting point for all their products development and concepts. Services: ————————————————- The Carte D`Or brand provides their customers with a range of services, as: customer care, direct ordering of bigger quantities, B2B and B2C SCM. In addition to that the brand adds value, by applying the differentiation approach.They provide to their customers special fan website, with the full range of products and a TV show with one of the top chiefs in the world. What is more there is a special line for problem solving callings to Carte D`Or cusromer service. ———————————————â₠¬â€- Supporting processes: Infrastructure: Carte D`Or brand adds value with an efficient assembly line, which gives a high production level during the whole manufacturing process. Production safety and durability is another aspect that may put emphasis on preventing waste.HRM: Carte D`Or brand is quite focused at the sort of working force they use, because they are promoting exclusive ice-cream with top quality. They put emphasis on employees suitable skills, efficiency and job enrichment, in order to stimulate the working force. Technological development: An approach thag Carte D`Or adds value in this sector of value chain would be leverage, as maximizing production and effectiveness without any investments increase. Their top goals are effectiveness and efficiency due to decreasing the expenditures and increase profit.Procurement: Procurement in is very important for Carte D`Or brand because this Is a sector where huge expenditures can be significantly reduced. Negotiating for ra w materials, auxiliary materials and etc. Carte D`Or has a special customer call centre for questions regarding procurement. Relevant systems that facilitate the primary processes in the value chain: ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) is a relevant system in the primary processes in the value chain, because ERP is developed to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions.It will optimize the communication and information flow between inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing ; sales and service CRM is also relevant because it is designed for managing customer service, marketing and operations. MIS stands for Management Information Systems. This system provides the management with the right information to manage an organization effectively ; efficiently. The system analyzes the primary processes with the goal to optimize them. Why would a company adapt their packaging of ice cream? For a company like Uniliver that wants to be more sustainable, a reason can e to produce a environmental friendly packages. To comply with that, the packages have to be adopted according to the new standards: reduced waste, being recyclable and re-usable. Other reasons can be to optimize the space available, lower costs or get the attention of customers with new and improved packaging. There are multiple departments involved when changing a packaging like the Research ; Development department to design this new packaging. But also the marketing department; is involved to do the promotion and management finally makes the decisions.Changes in packaging automatically lead to changes in the value chain. Because machines have to be re-programmed, marketing ; sales have to use a different promotion strategies (introduction of the product). But also inbound and outbound logistics will change. New materials will be imported so new routes have to be created. Also the company will have to examine which type of transportation is the most efficient in the n ew situation. It will make a huge difference if a package is round or square if you consider transport and storing.Also customer behaviour will change, if a customer recognize a problem he or she will go to different phases before actually purchasing a product. First they search for information; a new package can have an influence on commercial sources. Also the selective perception process will be influenced because the perception on the promotion message will change and this can lead to a different interpretation. Perhaps the evaluation will also change because consumers feel that the products offers more benefits. If the new package requires new materials the suppliers will be examined if they are capable to deliver these new materials.If not they need to look for other suppliers. The stakeholders and NGOs can be a threat to the company for example the new package is less environmental friendly than it might happen that they do not longer want to invest in de company. Unilever sh ould pursue a Research ; Development policy that focuses on sustainability. They can do this by using recycled plastic for the packages and recycled paper within their offices. Use biological milk and fair trade ingredients such as chocolate. They can also make use of green energy and transport as environmental friendly as possible.The Research ; Development department has the most influence on the structure. As we have seen the entire value chain will be affected with a change in for example the packaging. The method that we used to come to a package innovation was idea capture internally because of the limited time and resources. But there are other methods appropriate for Unilever like customer focus groups for problem detection while pre-testing to prevent future failure, external idea contest to get to know the customers wants and needs. Last consult partners and vendors to make sure that everyone is reading from the same page.Process descriptions As shown below, there are a nu mber of steps taken in the process of creating ice cream. (source: http://www. foodsci. uoguelph. ca/dairyedu/icmanu. html) When there’s a new product packaging, there will be a small change in the primary process. First of all, when ice cream is stored it is done so in temperatures below -18 Celsius; so the packaging has to be able to withstand such a temperature. This is important for two reasons: * The prevention of growth of micro-organisms; * Maintaining the texture of the product. When using new kind of packaging, the process can be changed.For instance, if the new kind of packaging can withstand a temperature of below -18 Celcius, packaging can be done before storing the ice cream in the freezer and thus saving plastics, waxed paper or cardboard containers since these are used as temporary packaging. There are many activities involved when producing ice cream. Blending, aging, pasteurization etc. Below we will present which activities are involved when producing ice cr eam. To do so, we used a RASCI-Matrix, a process chart for sustainable activities (the green one) and finally a department-transcending table. RASCI-Matrix:Column1| Column2| Column3| Column4| Column5| Column6| Task /Role| CEO| Financial Director| Logistics Manager| Marketing ; Sales manager| Process Manager| Support employees| Strategic Planning| Accountable| Informed| Informed| Informed| Informed| Informed| Financial Planning| Responsible| Accountable| Informed| | | | Buying ingredients| Responsible| Consulted| Accountable| | Responsible| | Marketing ; Sales| Responsible| Consulted| Informed| Accountable| | | Warehousing| Responsible| | Accountable| | | Responsible| Transport| Responsible| | Accountable| | | Responsible| Storage| Responsible| | Accountable| | | Responsible| Services| Responsible| | Consulted| Responsible| | Responsible| Supporting services| Responsible| | Consulted| Responsible| | Responsible| Analyzing results| Responsible| Accountable| Informed| Informed| Informe d| | Maintenance| Responsible| | | | | Responsible| R ; D| Responsible| Informed| Consulted| Consulted| | |The above RASCI-Matrix show the different roles and tasks. The purpose of this matrix is to show the relationship between the actors and their responsibilities. The abbreviation RASCI stands for: R=responsible, A=accountable=support, C=consulted, and I=informed. Flow-Chart ; Transcending-department table: Above we have shown the whole production process of Carte D’or ice cream. Starting with blending of the ingredients and ending with the packaging. During this process value is constantly added. Package: after the freezing procedure the ice-cream is placed into its package. This is the step where a company would be able to take a competitive advantage over its rivals.It can be done in a variety of different ways: In particularly for Catre D`Or there might be: Package size: turn into a production a variety of smaller packages, which are relatively more suitable for daily usage: The shape of the package may play a major role: for example the company can safe cost if they use square or rectangular form of the package. In this way they may improve efficiency of logistics as more packs would be able to place into a box. In this way efficiency and sustainability would be improved as more packs of ice cream can be transported within the same use of space; Sustainable materials: materials used for producing the packaging also might be an important factor. In recent years the interest in products which are environmentally friendly has risen.An example of would be a package that is going to be recyclable or bio-degradable as the harm at the environment would be significantly reduced. Hardening: The packaged ice-cream is placed into a blast freezer at -30 ° to -40 ° C where most of the remainder of the water is frozen. Below about -25 ° C, ice cream is stable for indefinite periods without danger of ice crystal growth; Storage: storage of the produced i ce-cream can be sustainably improved, due to a new package shape. With a new package shape, Carte D`Or would be able to reduce its storage costs and to improve logistics efficiency. This approach would enable to leverage the logistics process. There would be the same storage expenses, although the packs of ice-cream would me increased.Steps in the process| Activity| Transport| Check| Wait| Inventory| time (hours)| | | Blending of the ingredients| X| | X| | | 30mins| | | Pasteurization| X| | X| | | 30mins| | | Homogenization| X| | X| | | 1h| | | Aging| | | X| X| | 12h| | | Freezing| X| | X| | | 15mins| | | Hardening| X| | X| | | 15mins| | | Storage in the freezer| | | X| | X| 60mins| | | Packaging| X| | X| | | 20mins| | | This table shows the average throughput times of each activity. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Our mission. (nd). Retrieved 02 16, 2012, from https://www. unilever. com/ aboutus/ourmission/ Paper&Board – Unilever Sustainability. (sd). Opgeroepen op 02 13, 2012, from http://www. sustainable-living. unilever. com/the-plan/sustainable-sourcing/pape

Friday, September 27, 2019

International business in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International business in the USA - Essay Example From the perspective of the Castro regime, there might be little incentive to open up trade relations with the USA. After all these years, the American trade embargo against Cuba has had the effect of strengthening Castro’s grip on power by providing a rallying point around which the Cuban people can offer him their support. Castro has been able to point to the â€Å"evil† Americans across the Florida Straits and blame them for his country’s poverty and relatively poor standard of living. Opening up trade with America would deprive him of that crutch; and it would force him to have to take responsibility for any continuing economic problems his country faces, potentially threatening his grip on power. Because the status quo has enabled Castro to preserve his power, it is unlikely he would want to normalize trade relations with the U.S. The structure and relationships of the American political system have a tremendous influence on the state of U.S. trade relations with Cuba. There is a huge constituency of Cuban-Americans, particularly in the pivotal state of Florida, who support the current policy due to their resentment of Castro. Thus, it would be highly risky from a political standpoint for anyone to press for normalization of relations with Cuba. The Cuban exiles who fled that country in the wake of Castro’s assumption of power, and subsequently became American citizens, constitute a tremendously powerful voting block, to the extent that a Presidential candidate who supported opening trade with Cuba would be virtually assured of losing Florida.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Externality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Externality - Assignment Example When economies have competition and no externalities, the markets will allocate resources in order to maximize the surplus available. However, when or if these conditions are not met, market failure may occur, as the market has not achieved the optimal outcome. If the parties involved can bargain without cost over the allocated resources, then the private market will always solve the problem of externalities. However, we realize this is not the case in all circumstances and therefore may require government means of intervention to correct the imbalance. Market failures in this case are failures only in the limited sense that they involve transaction costs that can be weakened by substituting internal organization for market exchange. (Unknown Author. â€Å"Market Failures and Externalities.† Market failures are affected by all of the following: static markets, contractual incompleteness, strategic misrepresentation risk, information processing effects, an d institutional adaptations. (Williamson Oliver E., The American Economic Review). These influences all play an integral role in the steps to market failure. The justification for government intervention usually comes about as a result of market failure within a particular market. This government intervention is implemented through the means of public policy, taxes, subsidies, bailouts, regulations, and wage and price controls. The government may also include attempts to correct market failure through the re-allocation of resources. A prime example of this would be the recent government bailouts and stimulus packages put together by Obama and Congress. There are several different perspectives about the cause of market failure, but market failure will always occur if there the market is ‘monopolized’ or a small group of businesses hold significant power. Some market failures are also due to the nature of the good or service being a public good. Negative externalities aff ect social cost much greater than the private cost. A great example of this would be the seat belt law and helmet law for motorcyclists. There are several times when we have sat in a car and wondered why should I put my seat belt on? I am only riding around the corner†¦ People have often questioned whether the government has the right to tell someone to put on their seat belt or wear a helmet when riding. The negative externality is derived from the scientific data that shows us that people involved in automobile accidents that wear seat belts and helmets have much less greater injuries than those that do not. These safety devises can greatly reduce fatalities associated with the incidents. Society as a whole, often times must foot the bill of these injuries through tax dollars because many of the people involved in these crashes do not have enough insurance. When you add medical bills, missed work, disabilities, and foster care- the social burden can become quite great. Also a lot of the funding that goes behind programs is tied to safety compliance. (Unknown Author. A great example of a positive externality would be the new green energy initiative that is taking place. In the past couple of years, the U.S. government has dramatically stressed the importance of fuel independence from the Middle East, and has sought ways

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 9

Case study - Essay Example She was quite vocal and articulate, greeting the other children with a Hello everyone! Child Z is from an Asian background but she approached other English children to ask, â€Å"you play with zu zu pets? This shows that Child Z is able to initiate interaction and blend well with her peers at the nursery school, even those from different ethnic backgrounds. This illustrates Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development which stipulates that children tend to learn through their interactions with their surrounding culture. Z appears to be a self confident young person, who has learnt to interact confidently with those in her environment (Seigler, 2006), perhaps because of the high levels of love and attention she has received in her home environment. In the class, when the teacher demonstrated to the children how to make a paper boat, Z chimed in enthusiastically, â€Å"I do it! I make boat in the water†. She appears to have a strong sense of self esteem and is confident enough about being able to complete the task of making a boat (Hartup, 1992). This demonstrates the element of self regulation which Schaeffer mentions, where children tend to instruct themselves through their speech patterns (Schaeffer, 2003: 271). Piaget offered the view that early speech tends to be egocentric and is directed at the self, despite being spoken aloud, hence it has no particular function in terms of thinking (Schaeffer, 2003: 270), but Vygotsky saw such speech as externalized thought which children use actively for problem solving. The child Z appears to be well advanced cognitively, and her speech appears to be externalized thought in problem solving rather than being directed at the self. Linguistically, Child Z shows a very high level of linguistic development. She is vocal and articulate in her responses; when the lunchroom assistant asked Z what she had in her lunch box,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business Communication Essentials Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Business Communication Essentials - Assignment Example The presenters of these videos are Pamela Mayer and Alison Gopnik. Let us begin with the presentation of Pamela Mayer where she is giving a presentation on how to spot a liar (TedGlobal, 2011a). Mayer relies on humor and presentation aides to make her presentation interesting and light. Mayer continuously uses the help of pictures shown on a slide mounted above and behind her so that viewers are able to clearly see the pictures and without the pictures, the slide shows a close shot of Mayer. Mayer begins her presentation by interacting with the audience and giving them a chance to laugh. In an online presentation, interaction with the audience would be limited and Mayer would not have been able to point at a specific person in the audience, rather she would have asked the viewer to consider his friend as a liar. Face-to-face presentation allows Mayer to pause while the laughter subsides and the attention of the audience is back on the presentation. Also Mayer uses presentation aides which are shown for a limited period of time and from a far off an gle. In an online environment, the viewers would have been able to view these aides at his pace. The presentation of Alison Gopnik relates to what babies think (TedGlobal, 2011b). The presentation of Gopnik is very similar to that of Mayer and we observe the same pattern. Gopnik gives her presentation standing up the whole team. In an online environment, Gopnik would have had the option of sitting down and giving her presentation in a relaxed manner. Gopnik also uses the help of presentation pictures to make her presentation more effective and communicative. In an online environment, the presenters have the option of adjusting their presentation to the pace of their viewers since online presentation do not allow for any

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Politics of Poverty and Social Welfare Policy Essay

Politics of Poverty and Social Welfare Policy - Essay Example Empowerment of low income earners has to be done so that the poor can be able to access resources that are raw materials for development. The poor lack power to get the desired resources. This situation worsens when the psychological status of these poor people is touched by powerlessness. Poverty makes the means of accumulation of resources through saving impossible to the poor people. This is because the avenues to save require some structures that have a monetary value. Poverty reduces a person’s power to compete for a resource because it influences the thinking and the power of these people (O’Brien and Finn 1). This work will seek to show that the poor can be involved in transforming the situations of their lives even in the current political atmosphere. The poor and the middle class earners are faced with various problems that cause them to join into movement to form a force that can prevail in collective bargaining. The economic recession was heavily felt among t hose who had not organized themselves into groups that could foster poverty alleviation. Low income earners, therefore, realized the difficulty to cause impact at individual levels. Poverty denies the poor opportunities to make choices. As a result, the little they had was subjected to risk of loss when they put it in simple projects. In response to economic recession, the poor resorted to various ways to alleviate their situation. The low income earners’ response to poverty was facilitated by their position in terms of power where they lacked power to influence policy formulation and implementation. The poor are more than the rich in any state and their number can be used as a means to change the policies. The low income earners can be able to secure a place in development in the current political context since they are the best people who know the pressure at which they are subjected in their position. Poor people understand projects that would work for them. This is becaus e in most cases projects by the rich come with levels of sophistication that the poor do not put up with. Through calculated collaborations, low income earners can be able to claim their rights from higher political powers, seek donors to fund projects centered on alleviation of poverty, and seek government intervention in their conditions. According to O’Brien and Finn (22-23), although the poor had responded in various ways to recession, very few of the poor went to seek financial aid from their governments or any financial institution or claimed unemployment or even protested against the government in claim of their rights. The methods most of the low income earners used as a means to respond to recession was by cutting cost, increasing the daily working hours and some went ahead to selling some of their properties (O’Brien and Finn 18). Although grouping and working to collectively bargain for formulation and implementation of policies that are friendly to them is advisable, individual response to poverty alleviation was a means that worked during the recession times. The methods they used in response to increased requirement collectively showed that low income earners have a commanding position in the current political context. In their individualized position, low income earners managed to reduce pressure posed by the increased cost of goods and services during the economic recession. As a politicized group, the low

Monday, September 23, 2019

Argumentive Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Argumentive Summary - Essay Example Therefore, the household in which a child spends their preschool years can have a major impact on their success and educational development for many years to come. We might consider the extent Brice’s thesis is convincing, and to what extent the evidence she offers to support it is comprehensive. It seems to me that Heath’s work is extremely convincing, and offers a helpful analysis of a hugely important issue, that is, giving children the best start possible in their education. Heath makes an important contribution to academic work on the importance of the preschool environment for a child’s subsequent, formal education. As well as dealing with the very particular examples of the three neighborhoods she selects for analysis, Heath also provokes the reader’s thoughts on more general issues, for example in commenting that teachers and researchers ‘have not recognized that ways of taking from books are as much a part of learned behavior as are ways of eating, sitting, playing games, and building houses’ (97). ... Of course, the implications of this statement are central to the essay and its arguments. Heath’s essay is based on the assumption that a child will imitate practices they learn in the household, and these will either facilitate or obstruct the schooling process later on. Heath is therefore positing the notion that due to their acquisition from the home environment, literary skills can be acquired as naturally as any others. Heath states that adults provide their children with ways ‘taking from books’, which will come to seem natural in schools, businesses, or offices (97). Given that we live in a highly literate society, where reading and writing are needed for even basic tasks, and having established that the basics of literacy can be taken from adults in the home environment, as discussed above, it is striking that Heath approaches a field on which little work has been done. Little is known about the functioning of these processes in practice. Heath therefore p erforms a valuable task for the extension of our knowledge when she chooses to survey the importance of ‘literary events’, in which ‘participants follow socially established rules for verbalizing what they know about the written material’ (98). As the title of the essay indicates, one such event might be the bedtime story, and this theme is carried throughout Heath’s analysis. Heath’s approach is also interesting in that she does not just work on patterns detected in ‘mainstream’ households, but also on those she finds in alternative styles of household (98). She chooses three communities in the Southeastern United States – a middle-income area called Maintown, where the households surveyed have a mother who has taught in local public schools (100); Roadville – a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Benjamin Franklin Essay Example for Free

Benjamin Franklin Essay It is easier to prevent that cure obesity and one may note that parental education can go a long way in helping prevent obesity in children. It is noted that chubby children are cute, but this already predisposes the child to obesity, early childhood education should be facilitated to include proper nutrition, good exercise habits and parental education as to the dangers of obese children. Researchers have recommended that wide-ranging multi-staged intervention programs are needed to prevent complex health problems (McLeroy et al, 1988; Freudenberg et al, 1995). One must realize that prevention of obesity is not nearly as hard as it is to cure it, so practices in order to prevent it from happening should be considered thoroughly and attitude changes by parents and the family in general should be incorporated so that the problem of obesity can be taken care of. The parent or family should be taught to observe eating habits and activity. Practices in relation to food to prevent obesity can be described as follows: 1. Eat Well It is noted that a good diet is one of the main components for good health, but one can also note that eating healthy is easier said than done (Litchfield et al, 2004). A variety of tactics can be employed in order to promote healthy eating. Carbonated beverages like sodas including other sweetened drinks are also related to higher intake of body fat, whereas consumption of calcium rich foods such as milk and milk products are correlated with lower body fat. When eating out it is recommended that the family eats in a restaurant that provides for healthy food alternatives. Encourage portion control when eating most particularly for the high calorie foods. It is also suggested that the child learns to cook healthy meals at home. Also it is determined that activities should always be kept fun. Eat breakfast and other meals as a family. Pack healthy school lunches. Let your child be a part of the meal planning at home. This will help the parent realize the desires of the child with regards to food and how best to prepare it in order for them to eat it. The parent must also realize that if the food is not appealing for the child the probability is that they will not eat it, this is most especially true for the snacks and packed lunches brought to school, they might bring the food but not eat it and just eat somewhere else It is also a good practice not to reward any deed with promises of food and snacks, instead use praises, stickers and stars, time for favorite activities or an extra hour playing can be their reward rather than candies, chips or other junk foods that will ultimately be bad for their health. 2. Keep junk food and unhealthy foods away Junk food should be realized for what it is, junk as it is aptly called. Unhealthy food like chips, soda, candies and chocolates should be kept at a minimum and healthy alternative like fruits and vegetables snack substitutes should be the ones that are within reach in the refrigerator and cookies and chips should be kept only for ‘special occasions’ (Litchfield, Nelson Koch, 2004) avoiding it as much as possible. Stock up and preserve a variety of healthy foods at home rather than junk food, and thoroughly consider removing these types of food or teach the children to limit intake of such foods 3. Provide appropriate food portioning (just like in restaurants) It is important to note that it is essential to proportionate food intake, generally like in a restaurant where one orders food, the food delivered and serve is proportioned and measured such should be the case in the house also, where food not necessarily measured to the gram should be controlled to avoid eating too much. 4. Savor your food (eat slower) Eating slowly lets our brain realize that we have taken in enough food and thereby we are obliged to stop eating. It is may also enable the digestive system to digest the food thoroughly, Litchfield, Nelson and Koch (2004) also notes that savoring the food helps one to lose weight and eating slower may not only helps the digestion of the food but also fosters social functions like small talk in the dinner table that can enhance interpersonal relationships. 5. Eat at the right place and at the right time Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be eaten in the dining room; even snack time should be eaten at the dinner table, not in front of the television or in their rooms. This fosters routine and control. This can be surmised that a child will eat less if they are subjected to eat at the table since they would want to do other activities than eating therefore snacks and such to be eaten at the table means lesser time to be spent in other activities and such will mean that they will tend to eat less because they are in a hurry to go back to what they were doing including computers and television watching. Engagement in Physical Activities Increase Play time activities Litchfield, Nelson and Koch (2004) also noted outdoor activities as a good start, short evening walks or if the child is old enough and the family owns a dog, they can be given the responsibility of walking the dog. Even the littlest amount of activity can be a good start in order to promote physical activity. It is also advised that the child engage in physical plays like running, playing tag in the park, or other family activities that will promote physical activities.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effects of Depression on Brain Function

Effects of Depression on Brain Function Depression The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) diagnose children and adolescents with major depression with signs that include loss of interest and sadness for two weeks straight. Psychologists usually will also look for at least five more symptoms on top of the other two symptoms. These include â€Å"changes in sleeping or eating habits (weight and energy), psychomotor agitation or retardation, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, trouble thinking or paying attention, recurrent thoughts of death, or suicidal ideation and attempts† (Bujoreanu, Benhayon, and Szigethy, 2011, p. 548). This paper will focus on comparison of normal brain function and the brain function of an individual with depression, negative effects of daily functioning living with depression, assessments that are used for diagnoses and treatment, and appropriate treatment options and coping mechanism for individuals with depression. Comparison between Normal Brain Function and Depressed Brain Function Neuropsychological research has shown that emotion is controlled by the right cerebrum which means that the â€Å"right-posterior region of the cerebrum is specialized for the perception of emotional information, regardless of valence† (Shenal, Harrison, Demaree, 2003, p. 34). In normal brain functioning, the right cerebrum also controls arousal and attention. Other research has shown that there is a balance of positive and negative emotions between the left and right cerebrum. The left cerebrum processes positive emotions while the right cerebrum processes negative emotions (Shenal et al., 2003). EEG asymmetries have been examined with individuals that have depression and have found there is an increased activation in the right-frontal lobe that is relative to left-hemisphere activation (Shenal et al., 2003). Other studies have shown individuals with depression have different hemisphere activation by increased right-hemisphere activation or decreased left-hemisphere activation. Individuals with depression from left-frontal dysfunction will have problems planning and arranging information. Depression from right-frontal dysfunction may have impaired nonverbal fluency. Negative Effects of Daily Functioning Living with Depression Major depression can have a big effect on children or adolescent’s ability to function on a day to day manner. There are a lot of negative effects to depression that are important to recognize right away for help. Some of the effects of depression include â€Å"change of eating habits, change in sleeping habits (sleeping too much, not sleeping very much), irritability, social withdrawal, trouble paying attention, and feelings of sadness† (Bujoreanu et al., 2011, p. 548). If depression is not treated, this can lead to â€Å"family dysfunction, academic impairment, and psychosocial difficulties† (Bujoreanu et al., 2011, p. 548). There is also the chance that the depression can continue into adulthood if the family is not aware or informed of the symptoms the child is displaying. Assessments that are Used for Diagnoses and Treatment Neuropsychologists are now starting to find new ways to accurately diagnose depression in individuals as well as finding out if depression treatments are actually helping individuals with the disorder. Depression is now being diagnosed by a blood test and neuroimaging (fMRI) is being used to examine neural circuitry in adolescents with depression. The blood test is a new technique to psychiatry that was approved in 2011. This diagnostic tool is one way to find out if an individual has major depressive disorder without the medical professional being biased or not able to get a lot of information from the individual. The diagnostic tool looks at the levels of ethanolamine phosphate in the patient’s blood to give an indication that the patient has the disorder. Studies have shown that people with depression have low levels of ethanolamine phosphate (Verma, Kaur, David, 2012). At this point, the blood test is very expensive or is slow to get the results back to see if an individual has depression. Neuropsychologists as well as health physicians can use this assessment as the first step in determining if the patient has major depressive disorder. Once the blood tests indicate the disorder, the neuropsychologist and health professional can refer the patient to a medical professional that specializes in depression. The blood test can be used to help the medical professionals in making a diagnosis and to find the best treatment for the patient (Verma et al., 2012). The second assessment that is being used by neuropsychologist for depression is neuroimaging (fMRI). One study in particular used an fMRI to compare adolescents with depression and healthy adolescents on â€Å"neural responses to fearful facial expressions† before treatment (Cullen, 2012, p. 348). The study was repeated again after eight weeks with the depressed adolescents on fluxetine (antidepressant). Research showed that adolescents with depression increase the activation in the amygdala looking at fearful faces (Cullen, 2012). After the treatment, there was no difference between adolescents with depression and healthy adolescents. This study has opened new doors to further study other depression treatments. The fMRI was able to show the difference the fluxetine had on the brain to help adolescents with negative effectives that interfere with daily living. The next steps would need to look at what can affect before and after treatment findings. Some of these include â€Å"age at assessment, illness status, treatment history, and type of treatment† (Cullen, 2012, p. 350). When these effects are looked at with more research, this will bring clinical advancements to the neuropsychological field. Appropriate Treatment Options When it comes to appropriate treatment options for children and adolescents with depression, there are two different kinds that have been the most effective. These two different kinds of treatments are psychotherapeutic treatments and psychopharmacological treatments. The psychotherapeutic treatments are therapy treatments to work with children and adolescents to help them function normally in their daily lives. Evidence-based treatments (EBT) are â€Å"interventions or techniques that have produced therapeutic change in controlled trials† (Bujoreanu et al., 2011, p. 549). Common evidence-based treatments used with depressed children and adolescents include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy-adolescent (IPT-A). Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been found out to be the most effective psychotherapeutic treatment with children and adolescents with depression. Aaron Beck created cognitive-behavioral therapy and focused on how â€Å"thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are inter-related and individuals can make positive changes in how someone feels by changing what they do or think† (Bujoreanu et al., 2011, p. 549). Children and adolescents work with a therapist to learn new skills and explore different ideas that are discussed during sessions. Interpersonal Therapy-Adolescent (IPT-A) is a treatment that does takes place for a short period of time. The therapy focuses on the clients’ depressive symptoms and the interpersonal context in which they occur (Bujoreanu et al., 2011, p. 550). To help with the depressive symptoms when they occur, the therapist helps the child or adolescent learn problem-solving and communication skills. Psychopharmacological treatments involve the medications that are appropriate for children and adolescents with depression. These include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), norepinephrine-dopamine reupatake inhibitor (NDRI), and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). SSRIs are the most common and first kind of drugs that will be used to treat child and adolescent depression. Fluoxetine and escitalopram are FDA approved for children with depression, but there are also other medications that are not intended for depression that have been successful (Bujoreanu et al., 2011). When picking an SSRI, it is important to look at family history and how the drug affects the child or adolescent. When SSRI’s do not work with the children and adolescents, there are other drugs that can be taken into consideration. Adolescents that have depression with bupropion would use a NDRI to help with the symptoms. Another drug category that can help with depression is SNRIs that include taking duloxetine and venlafaxine that are sedating. When one kind of treatment does not fully treat the patient, combined therapy of medication and therapy are used. Therapy is usually the first step taken in treatment before medication is considered. Alternative Treatments There are a lot of adolescents that are experiencing depression symptoms that are not able to receive the standard treatments. This can be from the adolescent’s family not having insurance or the families insurance does not cover certain treatment options. These alternative treatments that could help these individuals with depression include interpersonal therapy and attachment-based family therapy, the artistically creative approaches, and existential therapy (McGlasson, 2012). The interpersonal therapy focuses on the different relationships that are in the adolescent’s life. If there is not a healthy relationship, this can lead to depression. This therapy focuses on personal issues that cause the different relationships to not be healthy and finds skills the adolescent can work on to improve those relationships. The attachment-based family therapy is where the family, the adolescent, and a trained counselor work together to build a healthy relationship. This also includes skills that that will be learned in sessions that will help in the long run (McGlasson, 2012). The artistically creative approaches include art therapy and music to help adolescents express themselves in a creative way. Art therapy allows the youth to communicate on a deeper level than just talking about the issues with a counselor. This form of therapy might feel less threatening to the adolescent and a way they can control (McGlasson, 2012). Music is something that adolescents are familiar with and feel safe with being used in therapy. Music lowers stress and can help the therapist in understanding different moods that the client is experiencing (McGlasson, 2012, p. 19). Existential therapy has four themes to the treatment. These themes are â€Å"the uniqueness and freedom of the individual, the recognition of suffering as part of the human experience, an emphasis on the here-and-now to discover one’s meaning and identity, and a commitment to discover and develop one’s talent† (McGlasson, 2012, p. 19). The themes all focus on the individual and how he or she is becoming. Therapists would focus on existential concerns that go on in the adolescent’s life and find ways to explore the issues. Coping Mechanism for Individuals with Depression There are healthy and unhealthy coping strategies that children and adolescents do to deal with depression. The healthy and unhealthy coping strategies both involve the same three core categories (emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping, and avoidant coping). It all depends on what the children and adolescents have picked up from others and what they have learned on their own to determine if it is healthy or unhealthy. Unhealthy coping strategies usually fall under the emotion-focused coping and avoidant coping. Emotion-focused coping is â€Å"any response aimed at reducing or managing the negative feelings that arise in response to the threat or loss† (Hayat, 2013, p. 153). Research has shown that common emotion-focused coping strategies that can develop depression and suicidal ideation more are self blame and emotional support (Horwitz, Hill, King, 2011). Avoidant coping involves a strategy that avoids the depression symptoms and suicidal ideation. Common avoidant coping strategies that are unhealthy and can develop the disorder more are behavioral disengagement and denial (Horwitz et al., 2011). Avoidant coping is usually avoided when learning new strategies that can help with depression. When children and adolescents learn healthy ways to cope with depression, most of the strategies fall under the category problem-focused coping. This category of coping strategies is defined as â€Å"attempting to deal constructively with the stressor or circumstances itself† (Hayat, 2013, p. 153). A medical professional can help the child or adolescent learn active coping strategies, plan different coping strategies that fit with the stressor or circumstance, and use instrumental support (Horwitz et al., 2011). For emotion-focused coping healthy alternatives would learning wishful thinking and seeking emotional support from family and friends that will not make the individual feel worse about themselves. These coping strategies can be learned by a medical professional that can work with the child or adolescent with depression. While there was only a few coping strategies mentioned, other coping strategies might be used depending on the situation of the individual. Preventive Measures for Individuals at Risk of Depression It is important that society is aware of what factors will identify high-risk adolescents for depression. When factors that can lead to depression are understood, steps can be taken to help reduce the risk of the disorder developing. At this point, research has shown that biological, psychological and social risk factors can trigger depression. Newer research has also found that neuroticism (N) (personality trait) is associated with mood disorders that can risk adolescents is developing depression (Kuyken, Watkins, Holden, Cook, 2006). High neuroticism individuals will show more mood changes and will need to respond adaptively (Kuyken et al., 2006). Kuyken’s et al., (2006) study included four different hypotheses to find out what risk factors would determine if adolescents will develop depression. They hypotheses are (1) â€Å"Adolescents at risk for depression (as indicated by high N) will report greater rumination than adolescents at low risk but lower rumination than currently depressed adolescents, (2) among currently depressed adolescents, elevated levels of rumination will be associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms, (3) the relationship between N and depressive symptoms will be partially mediated by rumination in cross-sectional analyses, with higher rumination associated with more depressive symptoms, and (4) the effect of rumination on depression will be moderated by gender, being greater for female compared to male adolescents† (Kuyken, et al., 2006, p. 42). The results indicated that at risk adolescents for depression have more ruminated than healthy adolescents. At risk adolescents and current depressed adolescents were comparable with high neuroticism personal trait. Adolescents that found out they had depression show rumination was connected to severe depressive symptoms. This study found that rumination and depression symptoms were the same for females and males. Conclusion Depression is a complex disorder that is now fully starting to be understood. Neuropsychologists are able to see what parts of the brain are impaired from the disorder as well as assessments that help to diagnose and treat depression accurately. With this information medical professionals find the best treatment options for the individual and help with coping strategies that are not unhealthy to use. This information has also made it easier to determine if adolescents are at risk of developing the disorder. Determining if adolescents have depression is still new, but with more research, medical professionals will hopefully be able to reduce the amount of youth with the disorder. References Bujoreanu, S., Benhayon, D., Szigethy, E. (2011). Treatment of depression in children and adolescents. Pediatric Annals, 40(11), 548. doi:10.3928/00904481-20111007-05 Cullen, K. R. (2012). Imaging adolescent depression treatment. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 169(4), 348. Hayat, I. (2013). Stressful life events, depression and coping strategies. Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 1(2), 148. Horwitz, A. G., Hill, R. M., King, C. A. (2011). Specific coping behaviors in relation to adolescent depression and suicidal ideation. Journal of Adolescence, 34(5), 1077-1085. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2010.10.004 Kuyken, W., Watkins, E., Holden, E., Cook, W. (2006). Rumination in adolescents at risk for depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 96(1), 39-47. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2006.05.017 McGlasson, T. D. (2012). Listening clearly: Alternative treatments for adolescent depression. The Prevention Researcher, 19(4), 18. Shenal, B. V., Harrison, D. W., Demaree, H. A. (2003). The neuropsychology of depression: A literature review and preliminary model. Neuropsychology Review, 13(1), 33-42. doi:10.1023/A:1022300622902 Verma, R. K., Kaur, S., David, S. R. (2012). An instant diagnosis for depression by blood test. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research : JCDR, 6(9), 1612. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2012/4758.2579

Friday, September 20, 2019

Conceptualizing Naval Helicopter Landing Gear Engineering Essay

Conceptualizing Naval Helicopter Landing Gear Engineering Essay The landing gear is an important part of an aircraft as far as the take-offs and landings are concerned. The landing gear mechanisms (or structures) are pretty simple in case of the commercial helicopter as compared to the commercial airplanes. But, that is not the case for the naval helicopters. Because of the not-so-friendly landing conditions, the naval helicopter must have sophisticated landing gear mechanism connected with its fuselage. The design of the landing gear mechanism for the naval helicopter should be such that the helicopter can land safely in aircraft carrier as well as in ground; also, the mechanism should not fail under the sea wave excitation, while in ground condition. b. Research on landing gear During the initial days of the human flying history, the flyers used to have the Skids as landing gears. The skids are still very much in use for commercial helicopters. But, for the airplanes and for the naval helicopters wheels are used mostly for the landing gears. The wheels are connected with the shock absorbers to form the landing gears. The landing gear, then, get connected with the fuselage in various fashions based upon the size of the aircraft. All the wheel based landing gears can broadly be categorized in three main categories: Conventional Tri-cycle Tandem Fig.1: Showing three basic types of wheel based landing gears Two front wheels and a rear tail wheel are used to form the conventional landing gear. The older aircrafts still have this type of landing gear. Ground handling is bit difficult here. The tri-cycle configurations has two (or multiple of two) wheels at rear and minimum of one nose wheel (s) at front. It gives better ground handling comfort and used widely for small sized aircrafts. On the basis of the wheel arrangements, different types of tri-cycle arrangements are possible (as shown below) Fig.2: Showing different types of Tri-Cycle configurations (as per Federal Aviation Administration nomenclature) The multiples of landing gears are placed in line to form a complex tandem landing gear system. Different combinations of tandem are possible (as shown below): Fig.3: Showing different types of Tandem configurations (as per Federal Aviation Administration nomenclature) c. Conceptualizing Naval helicopter Landing Gear After studying different types of available landing gears configurations, I have decided to develop the landing gear concept of Single wheel main gear with dual wheel nose gear configuration. It s a kind of tri-cycle configuration. Fig.4: Showing the rough landing gear concept I have decided to use only torsion spring as shock absorbing elements for the concept. d. Preliminary Design Calculations In order further developing the concept, I have used the following data: Total mass of the helicopter = 5126 Kg Sprung mass on each spring, m = 2563 Kg Distance between the front and rear gear = 5 m Distance between the two rear gears= 2m Normal landing: Vertical descent speed of the helicopter = 0.5 m/sec Vertical deck speed = 0 So, the relative speed between the deck and the helicopter, v =0. 5 m/sec=500 mm/sec So, the kinetic energy of the helicopter, KE = 0.5*m*v^2 = 320375000 kg-mm^2/sec^2 The energy stored in the torsion spring, SE= 0.5*k*r^2 =0.5*k Where, k= spring rate in N-mm/degree r=deformation of the spring =1 degree (assumed) Now, as KE = SE .eqn.1 So, k= 640750000 N-mm/Degree I will use this spring rate for rest of the two landing conditions to find out the deformations of the torsion springs. Hard landing: Vertical descent speed of the helicopter = 3 m/sec Vertical deck speed = -3 m/sec So, the relative speed between the deck and the helicopter, v =6 m/sec=6000 mm/sec K= 640750000 N-mm/degree So, by using the eqn.1: r= 12 degree Crush landing: Vertical descent speed of the helicopter = 15 m/sec Vertical deck speed = 0m/sec So, the relative speed between the deck and the helicopter, v =15 m/sec=15000 mm/sec K= 640750000 N-mm/degree So, by using the eqn.1: r= 30 degree So, I will start my ADAMS design with the values obtained from this hand calculation and gradually fine tune the values in order to meet the landing criteria. e. Converting the Conceptual Design to ADAMS Mechanisms I have used the MSC ADAMS software for preparing two landing gear mechanism design options out of the conceptual design and the hand calculations. The two design options differ in terms of heights. Parametric design advantage of the ADAMS software is utilized for creating the two design options. While creating the two mechanism design options, the following ADAMS options are utilized: Point : Points are used for creating basic locations of all the important elements of the design (like centre of the wheels etc.) Torus : Wheels of the landing gears are created using the torus option. Link : All the structural members (like top frame, axels etc) are created using this option. Box : This tool is used for creating the landing deck of the air craft carrier. Torsion Spring : This is for creating the front and rear torsion springs. Hinge Joint : This option is for creating all the revolute joints of the mechanism. Translational Joint : This option is used for creating the translational joints. Contact : The contacts between the wheels and the deck are created using this option. e.1. ADAMS Mechanism Option-1 The mechanism option-1 looks like below: Fig.5: Showing the ADAMS Mechanism option-1 Arrangement The points table for the mechanism option-1 looks like below: Fig.6: Showing the point table for the mechanism option-1 e.2. ADAMS Mechanism Option-2 The mechanism option-2 looks like below: Fig.7: Showing the ADAMS Mechanism option-2 Arrangement The points table for the mechanism option-2 looks like below: Fig.8: Showing the point table for the mechanism option-2 e.3. Selecting the Optimum ADAMS Landing Gear Mechanism The selection of the best design out of the two options is done by observing the acceleration values. The acceleration plots for the hard landing conditions (descent velocity of the helicopter = 3 m/sec and upward deck speed = 3m/sec) for both the concepts are shown below: Fig.9: Showing the hard landing condition acceleration plots for both the concepts The above plot is showing that the maximum acceleration value for the design -2 is more than 50 m/sec2. The acceleration plots for the crush landing condition (descent velocity of the helicopter =15 m/sec and upward deck speed = 0 m/sec) for both the options are shown below: Fig.10: Showing the crush landing condition acceleration plots for both the concepts The above plot is showing that the maximum acceleration value for the design option-2 is much higher in case of the crush landing condition. So, on the basis of the above two tests, it can be concluded that the design option-1 is better among the two options. Hence, I have selected the design option-1 for further analysis. f. Testing the Selected ADAMS mechanism (design option-1) Against the Specified Landing Conditions Normal Landing Condition: The acceleration plot for normal landing condition (descent velocity of the helicopter = 0.5 m/sec and upward deck speed = 0m/sec) for the design option-1 is shown below: Fig.11: Showing the normal landing condition acceleration plots for the Design Option-1 The above plot is showing that the maximum acceleration value for normal landing condition for the design option-1 is 7.5 m/sec2. Hard Landing Condition: The acceleration plot for normal landing condition (descent velocity of the helicopter = 3 m/sec and upward deck speed = 3m/sec) for the design option-1 is shown below: Fig.12: Showing the hard landing condition acceleration plots for the Design Option-1 The above plot is showing that the maximum acceleration value for hard landing condition for the design option-1 is 48.1 m/sec2. Crush Landing Condition: The acceleration plot for normal landing condition (descent velocity of the helicopter = 15 m/sec and upward deck speed = 0m/sec) for the design option-1 is shown below: Fig.13: Showing the crush landing condition acceleration plots for the Design Option-1 The above plot is showing that the maximum acceleration value for hard landing condition for the design option-1 is 119.6 m/sec2. g. Running the Vibration Analysis for the Selected ADAMS Mechanism The vibration analysis is performed for the Design option-1 using the ADAMS vibration plug-in. For simulating the sea wave oscillations, two acceleration actuators are used at front and the rear axles. One output channel is created at the COG of the top frame. The output channel is used for measuring the acceleration at the COG of the frame. Fig.14: Showing the Frequency Response Analysis plot for the Design Option-1 The pick of the above frequency response plot indicates the resonating frequency for the design option-1. So, the resonating frequency here is 64.5 Hz. h. Consolidated Results for Design Option-1 Parameters Values Maximum Normal Landing Acceleration (m/sec2) 7.5 Maximum Normal Landing Acceleration (m/sec2) 48.1 Maximum Normal Landing Acceleration (m/sec2) 119.6 Resonating Frequency (Hz) 64.5 i. Discussion Task-1: This task is covered in the section-c and section-d. Task-2: This task is covered in Section-f. Task-3: This task is covered in section-g. Task-4: This task is covered in section-e. j. Conclusion The ADAMS is a powerful tool for creating and testing a mechanism under specified conditions. The parametric feature of ADAMS helps creating different design iterations easier. The design option-1 passed all the landing conditions specified for the assignment. Also, the resonating frequency observed for the design option-1 is 64.5 Hz. k. References

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wired Politics :: Internet Web Cyberspace Essays

The Internet is a unique global communications medium used today by billions of people all over the world. It is the same observation of Steve Case, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of America Online as reported in the article titled AOL Chairman: Web Shapes Politics, by Eun-Kyung Kim, an associated press writer for the Los Angeles Times. Steve Case stated that the Internet plays the role of a catalyst for real social and political change in a worldwide scale. One of its great strengths is the ease with which it spans the globe. Information flows as effortlessly from Washington to Russia as from one building to another in New York, and through five or more countries all in one day. No one can imagine that five years ago, the World Wide Web barely existed and that e was just the fifth letter of the alphabet. Case predicted that the times have changed and that the next U.S. president will launch the Internet Century and that it is the presidents job to make sure the era helps make lives better around the world. Case emphasized the importance of reinventing the governments policies on issues affected by a newly connected nation. Free expression on the Internet, if protected and maintained, enhances democracy, culture and economy not just in the United States but also in a global scale. The Internet is a democratizing medium, uniquely suited to the promotion of human rights, but threatened by governmental restrictions. These observations by Steve Case can be compared to Jon Katz article, The Netizen: Birth of a Digital Nation, where they both shared the same opinion on the issue concerning the publics right to know about information collected, disseminated and maintained by the government in order to increase public accountability and awareness. Unfortunately, in the United States, domestic policies have not been fully supportive of these rights. The US Congress has enacted censorship legislation attempting to control the content on the Internet and limit the freedom of communication through the Communications Decency Act of 1996. Fortunately for the new digital nation, these laws have been ruled unconstitutional by the courts yet members of Congress continue to press other restrictive measures and proposals. Both Case and Katz believe that government-mandated use o f blocking and filtering can restrict freedom of expression and limit access to information. Katz emphasized freedom on the Internet more than anything on his article.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Perils of Bullying Essay -- social issues, bullying

â€Å"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.† These words have been repeated countless times, but they are not accurate. In truth, words can kill. Bullying has become a highlighted problem within our society, and bullying in the school systems is even more prominent. According to the news, there are countless cases of bullying, many of which do not have happy endings. The rates of suicide due to bullying are currently higher than they have ever been before. Suicide is the third top causes of death in young people within the United States, averaging at 4,400 deaths a year, with over 50% of these deaths as a result of some sort of bullying. Studies also show that there are 100 suicide attempts for every one successful suicide performed (â€Å"Bullying and Suicide†). These numbers are disturbingly high. Bullying is affecting more kids in ways that some adults may never understand. The fact that words and actions can lead to cutting and suicides is still a distant concept to some and needs to be brought to immediate attention. Laws are now being put into place to prevent these tragedies, but what is really being done to prevent them within the schools or even within the students’ homes? There is a lot of finger pointing when it comes to this topic. But we all want to know what the cause is behind this nationwide crisis and who is responsible for it. A bully can be defined in several ways and this term is sometimes exaggerated. However, according to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, a bully is defined as â€Å"one habitually cruel to others who are weaker† and bullying is defined as â€Å"to cause (someone) to do something by making threats or insults or by using force†. These are the formal definitions of the term, but the def... ... Retrieved from Johnston, J. (2011, April 19). Demi lovato interview: teen star opens up on bulimia, cutting issues. ABC news. Retrieved from Hamilton, J. (2008). Bullying and hazing. Farmington Hills: Gale and Greenhaven Press. DOI: Bullying and suicide. (n.d.). Retrieved from The roles kids play. (n.d.). Retrieved from Bullying definition. (n.d.). Retrieved from Risk factors. (n.d.). Retrieved from